Privacy & Data Security Policy
Here you'll find all the information about the types of data we collect about our visitors and customers and how that data is used. We're using plain, simple language (instead of bureaucratic or legal jargon) so that you are well-informed about what is happening to your data.
This privacy & data security policy is regularly reviewed and updated when appropriate. Should changes be made that use your personal data for a new purpose, this policy is updated and changes are communicated before the new processing begins.
What data is collected?
Like most websites, our site uses a common technology called "cookies" and Web server logs to collect information about how our Web site is used. Information gathered through cookies and Web server logs may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, time spent at our Web site, and the Web sites visited just before and just after our Web site, as well as a visitor's IP address.
What Are Cookies?
A cookie is a tiny text file, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a website, that site's computer asks your computer for permission to store this file in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a Web site to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites.
Thrive Leads
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Flag if impression exists | tve_leads_unique | 1 | 30 days |
Stores a page visit on the form | tl_{group_id}_{form_id}_{variation_id} | {log_id, refferer} | 30 days |
Stores a page visit on a form variation included in the A/B test | t_{test_id}_f_{form_type_id} | {content_id} // if the content is part of the A/B test - shows the same content for the same user | 30 days |
Stores a conversion event for the form variation | tl-conv-{content_id} | 1 | 1 year |
Stores a conversion event for the campaign | tl_conversion_{group_id} | 1 | 1 year |
Flag if conversion exists for the campaign | tl_conversion_{key} | 1 | 1 year |
Shown when the Display Frequency is set to greater than 0 in the Thrive Leads forms. | tlf_** | 1 | After the number of days set up for the form |
- {log_id} - which represents an entry in DB for the following data: some internal IDs, IP, refferer, utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, EMAIL
- {referrer} - URL of the site from where the user came from
- {utm_{cols}} - standard marketing query string variables
- {key} = encrypt(array(user_email, {group_id}))
- ** - value that will be different from user to user
Thrive Optimize
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Stores unique impression/conversion (based on event_type) for a page included in a test | top-variation-{event_type}-{test_id}-{page_id} | {variation_id} | 30 days |
Stores a page visit on a page included in a test | top_impression_{test_item_id} | {test_item_id} | 5 seconds |
- event_type = [1,2]
- test_id = autoincrement
- page_id = autoincrement
- variation_id = autoincrement
- test_item_id = autoincrement
Thrive Quiz Builder
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Flag if impression exists | tqb-impression-{page_id} | true(bool) | 30 days |
Unique cookie for each user (used for unique visits) | tqb-impression-{page_id}-{user_unique_id} | true(bool) | 30 days |
Flag if conversion exists | tqb-conversion-{page_id} | true(bool) | 30 days |
Unique cookie for each user (used for unique conversion) | tqb-conversion-{page_id}-{user_unique_id} | true(bool) | 30 days |
Flag if social media conversion exists | tqb-conversion-social-media-{page_id} | true(bool) | 30 days |
Unique cookie for each user (used for unique social media conversion) | tqb-conversion-social-media-{page_id}-{user_unique_id} | true(bool) | 30 days |
Thrive Ultimatum
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Identify a campaign's unique impression | tu_campaign_impression_{campaign_id} | lockdown: { email:USER_EMAIL}, log_id:{LOG_ID} } start_date: { date: CURRENT_DATE() time: CURRENT_TIME() } | 1 year or value set from admin |
Automatically marks a related campaign as started when it's set up as a conversion event for another campaign; and the conversion for the original campaign has been triggered | tu_campaign_{campaign_id} | serialize([start_date => NOW()])) | The duration set for the campaign (from admin) |
Forces a related campaign to be displayed for the user, even though other campaigns could be displayed | tu_force_campaign_{campaign_ID} | NOW() | The duration set for the campaign (from admin) |
Identifies the fact that the current visitor has made a conversion for a campaign | tu_campaign_convertion_{campaign_id} | NOW() | For evergreen campaigns, as set up from admin; for the rest of them: 1 year |
Makes sure this campaign will not be displayed anymore for the visitor that made a conversion | tu_campaign_end_{campaign_id} | 'end' | 10 years |
We store the encrypted user email in order to prevent duplicated access to campaigns. The email is stored when the user is accessing the lockdown page with &email= query string parameter (received via marketing email most likely)
- lockdown saved only for Lockdown campaigns
- LOG_ID - database log id
- USER_EMAIL is encrypted one-way
Thrive Comments
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Used to prevent comment spam | tve_secret | rand() | 1 year |
Stores the information from a successfully logged user using social media platforms | social-login | {name, email, picture} | session cookie |
Used to retain the fact that the user has commented once in the current session | tcm_commenter_first | 1/0 | 30 mins |
So that the user can see his/her comment even if it's not approved | tcm_cookie_{comment_id} | {comment_id} | 30 days |
Used to prefill form inputs | tcm_cookie_user_name | {comment_author} | session cookie |
Used to prefill form inputs | tcm_cookie_user_email | {comment_author_email} | session cookie |
Used to prefill form inputs | tcm_cookie_user_website | {comment_author_url} | session cookie |
Used to keep count of how many times a user has commented on a specific post | tcm_commenters | array of commenter identifiers | 30 mins |
Used to keep count of what type of vote a certain user gave | vote-comment-{comment_id} | upvote/downvote | 365 days |
Thrive Headline Optimizer
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Remembers the indexes of variations from the test that the user has seen, so we can display them again. Test won't be relevant if this is removed. | tho_post_title | array of variations indexes for the titles the user has seen - id's are stored, not strings | 1 year |
Remembers what engagements a user has done on a specific test. We need this so we can generate reports for the specific test and provide a winner. | tho_post_cookie_{post_id} | { post_id: {post_id}, test_id: {test_id}, no_click: true/false, impressions: [engagement_type_impressions], values - 1,2,3 engagements:[engagement_type_engagements], values - 1,2,3 | 1 year |
Thrive Apprentice
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Used to mark learned lessons from each course and to build the progress bar widget from the sidebar, if used | tve_learned_lessons | course id, lesson id | +1 year |
Holds each conversion from every single lesson | tva_conversions | course id | +1 year |
Used to display various data regarding a comment, if it is in approval stage | tva_comment_cookie_{comment_id} | {comment_id: comment id, comment_email: email address } | +30 days |
Used to auto-fill the username, if the user wants to post a comment again | tva_cookie_user_name | comment_author: comment author, | +30 days |
Used to auto-fill the email, if the user wants to post a comment again | tva_cookie_user_email | comment_author_email: comment author email, | +30 days |
Used to auto-fill the website URL, if the user wants to post a comment again | tva_cookie_user_url | comment_author_url: comment author URL, | +30 days |
Stores the lesson from the user that has been redirected on Thrive Apprentice login page After successful login, the user will be redirected to that lesson. | tva_lesson_to_redirect | URL to redirect | session cookie |
Thrive Architect
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Saves data for autofill on Lead Generation form, if autofill form inputs checkbox are checked | account_create_fields | {email, name} | session cookie |
Used on countdown_evergreen for restart timer | evergreen_{random_id} | {expiration time for countdown} | never |
Thrive Dashboard
Purpose | Name | Value | Expires In |
Used by Facebook for shared session | self::FBSS_COOKIE_NAME,'_'.$this->getAppId{}; | $cookie_value= $this->makeSignedRequest( array( 'domain'=>$base_domain, 'id'=>$this->sharedSessionID, ) ); | 1 year |
Used by Facebook for login | 'fbsr_'.$this->getAppId(); | , , | 1 second |
Allows the user to choose whether to have a single or a double option for the form being edited. It will hold the latest selected value in a cookie, so that the user is presented by default with the same option selected the next time they edit such a form | 'tve_api_drip_optin' | $params['optin'] | 6 months |
Allows the user to choose whether to have a single or a double option for the form being edited. It will hold the latest selected value in a cookie, so that the user is presented by default with the same option selected the next time they edit such a form | 'tve_api_mailchimp_optin' | $params['optin'] | 6 months |
Generates secret and set cookie | TVE_SECRET | $rand | 1 year |
Cookie Use for Retargeting
We may use Google Analytics and the DoubleClick advertising network as well as other advertising networks to display ads across the Internet, based on your visit to our website.
Third-party vendors, including Google, may show our ads on sites across the Internet. Our site and third-party vendors, use first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize and serve ads based on past visits and pages visited on this website.
Our site as well as third-party vendors may use third-party audience data to further optimize advertisements displayed.
You can opt-out of this kind of advertising anytime, here and here.
IP Addresses
IP addresses are used by your computer every time you are connected to the Internet. Your IP address is a number that is used by computers on the network to identify your computer. IP addresses are automatically collected by our web server as part of demographic and profile data known as “traffic data” so that data (such as the Web pages you request) can be sent to you.
Data we Collect in More Detail
We've broken this down into sections to make it easy to understand what data we collect:-
- As a visitor
- Signing up to our course waitlist or newsletter
- Contacting us through our contact form
- Enrolling in the Deutschable German Course
1. As a Visitor
You're a "visitor" if you browse the website but don't submit any personal information about yourself.
For example, if you visit this website and take a look through our our sales pages, terms and conditions, or this privacy policy without signing up for anything, then you're a visitor.
As a visitor, the website uses several third party services that act in order to provide you with a better experience and allow us to optimize our content.
The following third parties have limited access to some of your data:
- Google Analytics (privacy policy)
- We use Google analytics to gain an overview of how our site is being used, how to improve user experience, what content to create and similar decisions all focused on improving the experience for our visitors.
- We also integrate Google Analytics with Google Adwords so that we can measure the performance of our paid advertisements.
- Facebook
- We use Facebook conversion tracking to understand how our Facebook ads are performing.
- Social sharing tools
- Some of the content on the site includes social sharing widgets to quickly allow you to share content with your network, for example facebook. Some of these services gather data about you, if you are logged in to these social networks while visiting our website. Please see the privacy policies of the social networks for further information.
2. Signing Up to Our Waitlist or Newsletter
On this site, we display various forms that allow you to sign up to our waitlist or newsletter. When you sign up through one of our forms, we'll commonly ask you for the following data:-
- Name
- Email address
We'll also collect the following:-
- Which form you filled out
- Referrer URL (the URL that you led you to the page that you signed up through)
- Your IP address
We store this data on our site for the following reasons:
- Compliance - to keep a record of where our leads came from
- Testing - to optimize and improve the newsletter sign up forms that we display
- Relevance - we try not to show a form that you've already signed up for
The data that you submit is also added to a third party service called ActiveCampaign. This is a tool that we use to send email communications to you.
3. Contacting us through our Contact Form
If you want to contact us, you may do so via email or use one of the contact forms on our website.
When you submit a message to us, we keep the following data:-
- Email address
- First name
- Last name
- Content of any messages that you send to us
This allows us to reply to the message that you've sent us without getting it mixed up with any other messages from you or other people.
You will never received marketing related messages by contacting us through our contact form unless it specifically relates to the message that you've sent us.
Please note that the message you send is private and only available to team members at Thrive Themes.
4. Enrolling in the Deutschable German Course
We have a whole section of our site dedicated to the core product of this site, the Deutschable German Course. There may be other, much smaller course offerings available from time to time as well. Some of the courses are free, and some are only for our premium members (those that have an active enrollment). To access any course, you will need to get an account on this website.
When you sign up for an account on our site we keep a record of the following data:
- Name
- Email address
- The ID of the content that you signed up through (there are multiple entry points to the course)
- Active Campaign Tag
The name and email address are necessary to create the account through which the coursers are delivered to you. Your name and email address may be collected upon the filling out of the checkout form field and is used to send a quick follow-up email in case of an abandoned cart. This is done in order to resolve any issues that may have happened during checkout and to collect feedback on the user experience during checkout.
When you sign up to a course or fill out fields in the checkout form, we will send your name, email address and Active Campaign tag data to a third party service called Active Campaign. Active Campaign is a tool that many businesses use to send emails to customers and allows us to send you product or service announcements, and further training resources.
These emails are designed to enhance your experience with us, but you can opt out at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email. This will remove you from our list so that you don't receive any further emails from us.
When purchasing a product from us, we collect the following data:-
- First name
- Last name
- IP address
- Email address
- Billing address
- Country of residence
- Post code
- Affiliate ID (of the affiliate that referred you)
- Tax evidence (required for Digital VAT payments)
- IP address
- Geo-location of IP address
- VAT number
- Billing country
- If you declared that you're a resident of a country other than your billing country and your IP address country. (For instance, you might be purchasing a product from Portugal, but you're a French citizen. In this case, you can manually declare that you're a French citizen on our checkout page).
Please note that this data is captured when you submit an order on our checkout page regardless of whether you complete the purchase of the product through our payment systems, ThriveCart & Stripe.
This data is required for the following reasons:-
- Compliance - we have a duty to understand what country you are resident of so that we can charge the correct VAT amount. We must also keep a record of this data for tax audit purposes.
- Integration with our payment processor - we collect address personal data such as your name, email and address to integrate with PayPal (the service we use to collect payments)
- Product delivery - In order to give you access to the products that you purchase and to our support team, we need to create an account using your name and email address.
When you purchase a product from us, we use a third party service called ThriveCart to help us comply with digital tax regulations. Integrating with ThriveCart allows us to:-
- Get up-to-date VAT rates for all countries around the world
- Stay compliant by keeping a log of purchases
- Efficiently pay our VAT obligations at the end of each quarter
We send the following data to ThriveCart about your purchase:-
- Total amount of purchase
- Tax amount of purchase
- Invoice number
- Address
- Full name
- Email address
- Order number
- Location Evidence
We also send your name, email address and product tag to our email service provider called ActiveCampaign.
This allows us to send you emails about product updates (such as new features that have been released), training courses and any other information related to the product that you've purchased.
These emails are designed to improve your product experience but you can opt out at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email you receive.
Your progress throughout the courses (i.e. information about which lessons you have checkmarked as completed, but NOT your video viewing data or your quiz results) are accessible by the administrator of the site (i.e. your teacher), in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the teacher-student relationship and to follow up about and encourage the student's progress.
Note that all videos available on this site are hosted by Vimeo, a video platform, which uses cookies to provide statistical data about each video's viewing, such as drop-off times and amount of times played, etc. Denying all cookies on the site will render all videos unplayable. In order for the videos to appear and be watchable, users must allow cookies used for statistics.
Automated Decision Making From your Data
We have automated processes in place that are designed to improve the relevancy of the communication we send to you and the content on our site.
For example:
- If you're an enrolled student, we may send you a notification that you're membership is due to expire a certain amount of days before the last day of access. This is done to give you the choice of re-purchasing the product if you wish.
- If you purchase a product from us, we will send you information to help you get up and running with the product that you've purchased
- If you take a Deutschable course, we will send you information to support the course that you're taking.
- If you purchase a partial product but don't enroll for the full course, we will show an advertisement to highlight the benefits of enrolling.
These rules are designed to enhance the experience and interactions that you have with Thrive Themes.
Your Right to Modify Your Data
You have the right to modify personal data that we hold about you. You can modify your data by logging into the website and navigating to the "Account" page.
To change your email address that we send emails to, click on the "update details" link at the bottom of any email you receive from us.
If you're having difficulties updating your data, let us know anytime via email or a contact form and we'll make the change for you.
Your Right to View Your Data
You have the right to see the data that we store about you. To request a file containing all your data, let us know via email or a contact form.
We will reply to your request within 24 hours and, after verifying that you are who you claim (by asking you to provide partial data information) will provide you with an overview to your email address as soon as we've gathered the data.
The data will be provided to you in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format for portability.
Your Right to Have your Data Deleted
You have the right to request that we delete data that we store about you.
If you would like to stop receiving our email newsletter then you can click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any of our emails. This will unsubscribe you from any future communications. If, for some reason, this doesn't work then let us know via email or the contact form and we'll remove you manually.
We can also delete all of your data from all systems that we own and operate. This includes all of the above.
Please note that If you've purchased a product or membership from us we are obliged to keep a record of the purchase in both our own billing system and Stripe / ThriveCart. This will mean keeping a record of your billing address, contact details and purchase details. We do this to fulfill our obligations to the tax authorities and remain compliant.
Privacy Policy: Summary
- We don't sell your data to any company for further processing, marketing, profiling or any other reason
- We integrate with certain third party services for the purpose of improving the overall user experience and to optimize certain business processes.
- Any data we hold about you, we do so for necessary and legitimate business reasons
- You can request to view, modify and delete any data that we hold about you.
Policy Changes
We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time with or without notice. However, please be assured that if the Privacy Policy changes in the future, we will not use the personal information you have submitted to us under this Privacy Policy in a manner that is materially inconsistent with this Privacy Policy, without your prior consent.
We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.
If you have any concerns or questions about anything in this policy, let us know via email or our contact form and we'll get back to you shortly.